11 Shvat, 5782
January 13, 2022
Camp will once again be held at Konig park, we hope and pray that Moshiach will long be here by the summer and we will not have to worry about any Covid concerns but just in case there is still some concern, our facilitates are well suited for the best possible set up.
June 2, 2021
As the state of Ohio has rescinded all Covid regulations starting June 2nd, we have updated our policies for the camp 2021, as follows:
Campers and staff will no longer be obligated to wear face masks during camp. We will definitely support anyone that chooses to continue wearing a face mask during camp.
Campers will be divided by groups and remain in their own cohort for the summer.
Campers will be required to wash/sanitize hands on arrival, as well as, before departure and at different times during the day, such as, before eating etc...
Campers will receive their own A&C supply kit for their use all summer.
Campers will receive their own tennis racquet for use during the summer.
We will ask that parents remain in their vehicles during drop off and pick up.
Staff will ask you each morning if your kids are symptom free.
There will be no lunch or snack served by the camp, campers should bring lunch and snack from home.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email or call 513-382-6821
Dear Parents,
Due to Covid concerns we moved the camp to a mostly outdoor setting at Keoning Park in Reading.
We have huge dedicated outdoor shelter with ceiling fans, multiple ball fields, tennis courts, basketball courts, lots of green space, multiple play grounds, corn hole and horse shoe pits, all outdoors.
We also have an indoor space with air condition for inclement weather.
Out of an abundance of caution each camper will receive their own tennis racquet as well as their own kit with A&C Supplies for them to use for the duration of their stay at camp.
All campers and staff are required to ware face masks at all times. We will follow all the CDC and state guidelines for a safe and healthy summer.
You can sign up for all six weeks or choose any week or weeks that work with your summer plans.
Campers are divided by age. We put a strong focus on character development and doing Mitzvos.
Campers participate in a full array of sports, crafts, song, drama, art, as well as special visitors who bring their entertainment to camp.
Any Covid related cancellations or changes will be fully refunded.
Please call the camp director with any questions, 513-382-6821