Sivan 19,5780
June 10, 2020
Dear camp parents,
We are delighted to announce that Camp Chabad will take place this summer at Koenig Park in Reading. We have a huge! dedicated shelter which will allow us to have our activities in a protected outdoor environment as well as an attached air conditioned room for inclement weather and social distanced activities. Play grounds, baseball field, basketball, tennis, soccer, and lots of green space!
We would also like to let you know that we are now enrolling children entering Kindergarten, limited spaces are available.
We are working on the possibility of having off site camp trips with all social distancing rules being followed!
Looking forward to a great summer! Please reach out with any questions. or at 513-382-6821.
Thank you!
Rabbi Majeski
Camp Director
4 Sivan 5780
May 27, 2020
Dear camp parents,
We are excited to announce that we are planing to open camp as scheduled on June 22, provided there are no changes made by the CDC, or the Governor.
There are some significant changes expected this summer, we will explain some of the major changes here and provide more information as it becomes available.
Because of all the modifications, we will be very limited in space. Spaces will be filled on a first come first served basis.
All campers and staff will have their temperature taken each morning before being allowed into camp. Any camper or staff member with a temperature higher then 100 degrees will not be allowed to enter the camp.
All guidance from the CDC, State of Ohio and Hamilton County, as well as, recommendations from the American Camp Association will be strictly followed.
All hand washing and sanitization guidelines will be strictly followed.
Camp will be held Monday - Friday 9:30 a.m - 3:30 p.m
Drop off and pick up will be staggered to allow for social distancing and an orderly and safe drop off and pick up.
Groups will be made up of 9 campers and one staff member who will remain in their cohort the entire day. Each group will have a sports bag with their own sports equipment to limit sharing between groups.
Campers will have their own pack of crayons, markers, glue, scissors limit sharing.
We will not be serving lunch or snack this year so please send a kosher lunch and snack with your child.
All field trips will be held “on site” with an entertainer coming to us, as opposed to the children riding the bus and gong to a crowded location.
There will be no swimming this year. We have other exciting activities planned instead.
Camp will be serving children going into first grade and up. As of now we will not have a kiddie camp.
We will not be providing before care and after care. Things may change later in the summer.
We are waiting on confirmation on a location, if we don’t get confirmation, camp will be held at the camp officers and nearby green space. If the location doesn’t work for you, we will give you a full refund and give your place to another child.
As we have seen, things can change in either direction, we will make modifications as required and will keep you posted.
If you have any questions you can reach me at or at 513-382-6821.
Wishing you a happy and healthy Shavout!
Thank you!
Rabbi Majeski
Camp Director